A pre amplifier or pre-amp is the very hub of a hi-fi system. All your source equipment connects to the pre amplifier. Most common is an active (powered) preamplifier design but there do exist some passive (non powered) designs. Using a separate pre and power amplifier brings about significant audio improvements over an integrated design as it minimises crosstalk and each component benefits from its own dedicated power supply.
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Parasound Zphono XRM Phono Pre Amplifier
Zphono XRM
•Dual inputs for two turntables (1 MM & 1 MC)
•Front panel input select switch
•Front panel mono/stereo mode switch
•Front panel rumble filter switch
•Balanced and unbalanced outputs
•Variable MC impedance adjustment of 50-1050 ohms
•MM Gain options of 40 dB or 50 dB unbalanced (46 dB/56 dB balanced)
•MC Gain options of 50 dB or 60 dB unbalanced (56 dB/66 dB balanced)
EAR 834L Linestage Pre Amplifier
One of the latest products from Yoshino, the Tim de Paravicini designed EAR 834L line pre amplifier is designed to compliment any of the EAR 834P phono pre amplifiers and EAR power amplifier, or indeed, any other high quality source or power amplifier.
It has facilities for up to five line inputs, and offers a genuine tape monitoring circuit, making a total of six inputs. A high quality volume control is fitted, as well as a panel mounted power switch. Input and output terminals are gold plate.
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