Elevator head amplifiers
Step-up low output moving coil cartridges to moving magnet phono stage input level without a transformer. Ideal for use with valve phono stages and the Era Gold.
Features*125µV to 600µV input range
*Professional front panel load selection
*9 loading possibilities
*base model dealer upgradeable to top model
Elevator EXP
The Elevator head amplifiers (active step-up device) have been designed for users of high quality MM only phono stages to enable the use of a moving coil cartridge. The Elevator EXP 25MHz bandwidth especially suitable for use with valve (tube) phono stages and the matching Era Gold phono stage.
The Elevators are low noise (hum) and wider bandwidth than a step-up transformer.
The Elevator EXP is designed for high end moving coils, capable of matching their performance in terms of timing, timbre and high frequency response, through the use of a very fast 25MHz amplifier module, which ensures absolute phase accuracy throughout the audio spectrum and beyond.
The Elevator EXP head amplifier is extremely transparent, allowing the true character and expression of the cartridge and phono stage to shine through.
With MC/MM phono stages there will always be compromises, but by using a dedicated MC head amplifier with a dedicated MM phono stage, these compromises cease to exist and the resulting sound is much improved.