The Era Gold phono preamp stage is quite unlike any other phono stage in the world. It is truly individual. It throws current thinking to the wind, and concentrates on the one and only important task - that of reproducing music the way music sounds.
"the best... I've ever heard - period..."TNT-Audio reviewSpecifically developed for high quality moving magnet, moving iron, and high output moving coil cartridges which require a fixed 47k Ohm load. It may also be used for low output moving coil cartridges by placing an Elevator head amplifier before it. The separation of MM and MC level matching functions removes all design compromises setting the music free!
Because there are no switch contacts in the signal path and because of its extremely fast amplifier stages with matched, high speed, low dielectric absorption RIAA networks, the Era Gold will retrieve detail from records with crystal clarity and precision, produce an amazingly accurate and stable stereo image, tight powerful bass and fantastic detail resolution with vast improvement to musical timing and timbre, along with the ethereal or ephemeral feel of valves... The resulting sound is startling in its musicality!
It is THE listeners' phono stage
As with many high performance products, the results it gives will only be as good as the source feeding it, but with a good turntable-arm-cartridge combination the results will be heard.
At last, much of the grittiness blamed on the vinyl medium is exchanged for real music. Brass, with its complex harmonic structure appears as it should, rather than the usual distortion you get with slower stages.