Compact High-resolution audio player with 2,4 inch touchscreen, ESS SABRE DACs with separate channels, symmetrical audio output, Bluetooth, Google Play apps, WiFi and thumb optimized controls
Be at a gig when you’re on the train. Float into space without leaving your desk. Buy the XDP-30R, jack in your headphones, and you can get inside the sound. Immersing you more thoroughly than many big-dollar stereos, the compact XDP-30R unveils astonishing layers of detail in music, opening up the soundstage, improving instrument separation, and propelling rhythm with irresistible energy.
Hear your favorite songs as if for the first time, and get fresh insight on the music you love. Huge storage and a slick interface make this a practical player. There’s Wi-Fi® for on-demand streaming, and twin SABRE DACs and amps offer balanced output. The XDP-30R will satisfy the audiophile, yet it’s also ideal for those curious to hear just how good their headphones can sound.
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