A powerful network interface for
use with a Rako wireless system.
The RA-Bridge acts as a
programming interface as well
as having ethernet access for
app control via smartphones
and tablets.
The RA-Bridge provides the connection between the Rako wireless network
and a laptop running Rako's programming software RASOFT. A laptop
can connect to the RA-Bridge either directly using a crossover cable or,
using a router, via WiFi. The RA-Bridge allows full system configuration
and programming of a Rako wireless network.
The RA-Bridge has ethernet connectivity and when connected to a wireless
router provides the link to the Rako network for the Rako apps for
smartphones and tablets.
dimensions 190x100x65mm
input supply 12V d.c. from RAPSU or equivalent.
Connection via concentric jack.
weight 305g
housing ULV0 ABS
climate range Temperature +2C to +40C
Humidity +5% to 95% non
connections RJ45 Socket - Ethernet
Concentric jack - 12V Power
standards Emissions - EN61000-6-3 : 2001
Immunity - EN61000-6-1 : 2001
communication Rakom wired network
Rakom wireless network
memory Flash memory (non volatile)