Complete iPod MODE Interface kit. Includes Base + Base Adapter + PSUWith SpeakerCraft’s MODE keypads and MZC multi-room controllers it is now possible to listen to and control up to six iPods in every room of the house.
The MODE iPod kit contains everything required for the integration of a single iPod within a MZC MODE system.
The MODE Base is a proprietary iPod dock that connects your iPod to the MZC multi-room controller.
Each base connects to the MZC system via a single cat 5 cable. Control data, stereo audio and iPod power are all carried by a single cat 5 run. When sitting in the MODE base your iPod is always ready for use.
SpeakerCraft’s Base Adapter is the interface between the MODE iPod Base and MZC multi-room controller.
Control data, iPod power and stereo audio are all routed through the adapter and fed on to their required locations.
A unique stacking arrangement allows up to six Base Adapters to be joined together sharing one data and power supply connection.
Finally the PS-3.0 power supply provides power to both the MODE base and base adapter. One PS-3.0 can power up to six MODE bases and base adapters.
SPECIFICATIONSOverview:MODE System iPod Interface Kit
Applications:Multiroom iPod Control
Compatible Controllers: